Hello Everyone!
I see from a complaint that became famous on Twitter we are no longer allowed to use the expression “Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys & Girls”. So to avoid offending anyone as the blog needs all the readers it can get we’ll go for a woke friendly hello everyone.
Sometime I have something that I want to get off my chest, and Twitter and Facebook are not the platforms for that they once were. Instead I shall go spouting my mouth off here, safe in the knowledge it is highly likely no one reads anything I have written.
A sermon with no congregation? Fear not, whilst professionally I may have a giant ego, in my private life it is much more restrained and normal. I don’t need a massive audience to perform for. Sometimes like everyone I just feel better for getting something off my chest. And what better platform than here?
Check back for updates – I can’t promise regular consistent posting. What I can promise at least initially is writing from the heart. Hopefully you will think “Yeah, that guy talks a lot of sense”. I appreciate my opinions may at times court controversy, maybe I’m just the poor man’s Piers Morgan?
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