Time for Thai
After a long stint on the road and not many weeks at home in the last 5 months since Covid travel restrictions started to ease Mr RJC82 finally finds himself with a week off next week. Having spent most of yesterday asleep and catching up on some well deserved rest and relaxation it is now time to start thinking about enjoying the next 9 days off (thank you bank holiday Monday!)
I have for a long time had a Thai restaurant that I would consider to be my favourite. Thai House on Princes Avenue has been around for a long time for a good reason. The food is fantastic! A fact that has been recently proven by the fact that it has won an award! Yep, Thai House has been named in the top 10% of restaurants in the world thanks to the reviewers on Tripadvisor. This award is well deserved as my wallet and waistline can both testify.
So what better way to start the week off? I don’t think I can think of one! And of course Sunday night they serve their popular bottomless menu where you can keep ordering more, for just £19.95
I’m definitely pleased that unlike so many that were not as fortunate, Thai House managed to survive the worst of the Covid pandemic. That has to go down to having done such a sterling job before hand that people were keen to get back.
Having had such a tough time over the preceding 18 months I can’t believe how badly some people have seen fit to treat the hospitality sector since it’s reopening. Following 20+ no shows becoming a regular thing including on Father’s day of all times the restaurant now charges a ‘no show’ fee – whilst that may seem like a scary and unpopular choice I stand behind them making the decision whole heartedly. Imagine turning away ‘walk ups’ because you thought you had people coming. That must be soul destroying for businesses that have been through so much over the last year and a bit and no one deserves that
And now I’ve finished writing this it is time for Thai, see you out the other side. I have fish cakes, sesame chicken toast and Penang curry waiting for me amongst other tasty delights.
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